Tuesday, 24 January 2012

A serious blog post about boobs

We all like boobs. Some of us are lucky enough to have them.
This one is for the girls though, because I have lately noticed an alarmingly large number of women leaping around the gym/countryside with breasts swinging wildly asunder and I feel I must tell you all something Very Important.

Girls. When you exercise, and I don't just mean high impact stuff like horseriding or running, I mean pilates and netball and zumba and shit like that too, please follow this one almighty important unbreakable rule.

Wear. A. Sports. Bra.

You have a ligament that runs across the top of your tit called your Coopers ligament. It keeps your boobs pert and pretty and just the way you want them to be. The nature of ligaments, as those of you who have suffered such injuries will know, is that once stretched, they cannot be unstretched. (They can be shortened with surgery but no-one wants that.) Once you have stretched your Coopers ligament, IT WILL BE STRETCHED FOREVER. This means your boobs will lose their natural bouncy support and start to flop and sag. None of us want that. Not just G cups either, it also applies to nice little B handfuls too. Sorry. It's science and shit.

So for this reason, firstly please please please always wear a well-fitting bra. It will have the added benefit of fitting, looking hot and being comfortable. (Take this from me, as a 34F I wore a 36D for far too long in my teenage years.)

And even more importantly, when leaping around the village hall like a young gazelle to the Latino beats of Las Ketchup and the encouragement screeches of a tiny over-enthusiastic perma-tanned fitness instructor, please make sure you're wearing a decent sports bra. Preferably one that fits. (You will know, because when you try it on, jump up and down in the changing room and they won't move an inch).

Trust me, you will thank yourself when you're 80. That's all from me. Thank you and goodnight.


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